Individual and group coaching for queens ready to embrace their power

You’ve always felt like you were destined for more than this.

The potential you once had seemed limitless.

But lately, life feels like it’s a size too small and simply outdated.

So, you’ve begun to accept that
this must just be how it is.

Days are spent going through the motions.

Your enthusiasm and optimism have disappeared.

There was a time when you approached each new obstacle
with wit and humor.

But these days, it’s rare that
you find much to smile about.

It feels like you are always at the whims of others.

Constantly taking responsibility for everyone else’s needs with no regard for your own has left you feeling lost and depleted.

You’re running on low internal batteries.

You’re spread so thin that you can’t remember the last time
you did anything for yourself.

“There must be more to life than this.”

Something MUST transform.

You don’t have to do this alone.

Become the living embodiment of your best self!

Lillianna* needs Work/Life Balance.

Lilianna works for a fast-paced ad agency and often finds herself playing catch-up to meet deadlines. She’s spread so thin by all her work responsibilities that she’s too exhausted to take any time for herself.

As a result, she finds that she’s begun reacting rudely and snapping at teammates. She realizes that without taking the time to tend to her own needs, things will only get worse.

But she doesn’t know how to find the right balance.

Dawn* is a ‘yes’ girl.

Dawn loves being available for friends and family and is proudly known as “the helper” in her tribe. However, she often feels overwhelmed by all that she takes on.

A part of her wants to say “no” to all these requests, but she has trouble even admitting her own limitations to herself, let alone to her loved ones. So, she always says “yes” when she means “no.”

She wants to reach out for support, but she doesn’t know how, leaving her feeling misunderstood and isolated.

Beatrice* starts every day with a defeated sigh.

There was a time when Beatrice held hope and optimism for the future, but that has long faded.

Now, she moves through life on autopilot, bored and uninspired. She knows there must be more than this and longs for a fresh perspective.

But she’s unsure where to turn, so she remains stuck in this unfulfilling grind.

Sarah* Feels Empty Inside.

Sarah is a successful writer; she travels a lot for her work as a lifestyle a food blogger.

On one of her recent work trips to France, she found out her husband of 12 years had decided to leave her while she was away and take their beloved cat with him while he was moving out.

Sarah was shocked and absolutely heartbroken over this sudden news and sense of loss. She questioned her entire existence. A divorce? And the loss of her pet, she held so near and dear?

She didn’t know where to find herself or how to begin again. She was empty inside; the wind had been taken out of her sail. There were no words for her grief. She was stuck.

Something MUST transform.

Going on like this is no longer an option.

Telling yourself that things will change “someday” simply doesn’t cut it.

Someday is today.

Your power is in THIS present moment. Take a deep breath into that.

You don’t have to do this alone.

The help you need is available if you are ready.
You deserve support and guidance on this journey.
The first step is deciding that you deserve it.
Let’s chat about how I can help you say ‘yes’ to YOU!

Hi, I’m Leah!

And I want to help you find your joy,
my dearest one…

By allowing yourself to become fully and energetically alive with who you want to be in the world, you will begin to experience life as the best version of yourself.

Together, we will learn to find a balance that allows space for excitement and spontaneity.

Soon, you will develop the confidence to trust your own intuition and embrace your feminine power to face each new day with grace, ease, and resilience.

As your newfound wisdom illuminates the way forward, it would be my honor to walk with you on this path to your Awakened Embodiment of best shining self!

Ready to change your life?

Liliana established clearer boundaries for herself at work, giving her more time to tend to her own well-being. As a result, she could reclaim her poise and professionalism in the office and find more peace at home.

Dawn realized that once she let go of who she “should be,” she started to embrace who she was becoming. By freeing herself from other people’s projections, she could align herself with the person she wanted to be and show up as this new empowered version of herself in the world and her community…

This newfound confidence allowed her to feel worthy of receiving help.

Dawn learned to flex her “nos” in life, so she could live the authentic version of an “unapologetic yes” lifestyle, which places value on her heart’s wants, needs, and desires.

Beatrice began to look inward and explore what she really wanted from this life. She realized that by allowing herself the time and space to become the person she was meant to be, her life began to feel exciting and meaningful again.

Sarah showed up and surrendered to the unknown of having a loving guide help transform her grief into gold. She allowed herself the grace of being fully supported, loved, and held when she didn’t have the strength to love herself.

She learned new levels of self-love that she had never known were possible. Sarah not only got her groove back, but she also reclaimed her power and self-sovereignty, became true to herself, and understood her worth.

Peace during all of her traveling adventures too. Sarah is soaring!

Become the living embodiment of your best self!

Give yourself the opportunity to step into the version of the person you are meant to be.

Start feeling like a QUEEN in your own life and begin experiencing all this amazing world has to offer.

It’s time to be unapologetically you.